Tirana Taxi Fare Calculator & Booking

Tirana airport taxi & transfers services provided by welcomepickups.com

Tirana Airport Taximeter Charges

ZONEdistancesFEE per kmFEE per min
FROM THE STARTING POINTup to 1.5 km300 LekIt does not get applied
ZONE AAnother 5 km after 1.5 km120 Lek/km25 Lek/min
AREA BAnother 10 km after 6.5 km95 Lek/km21.25 Lek/min
AREA Cover 16.5 km80 Lek/km20 Lek/min

Taxi fares in Tirana Albania.

– Daytime fare from 7 am to 10 pm:

If the trip is less than 1.5 km, the price is 300 LEK (3 euro).

Up to 5 km – 100 LEK/km (1 euro) or 25 LEK/minute. This depends on traffic. If you are stuck in a traffic jam, the taximeter counts the time.
Up to 10 km – 85 LEK/km or 20 LEK/minute.

Nighttime fares:

If the trip is less than 1.5 km, the price is 350 LEK (3.5 euro).

Up to 5 km – 120 LEK/km (1.2 euro) or 25 LEK/minute. There are no traffic jams in Tirana at night.
Up to 10 km – 95 LEK/km or 20 LEK/minute.

If we take the average, expect to pay 100 LEK per kilometer. That’s 1$. If you see that the city is congested, and the distance to your destination, for example, is 5 km, immediately negotiate with the taxi driver for 500 LEK. Because in traffic, it will be more, around 600-700.